• Unsubscribe multiple subscriptions for multiple users and products

    I am trying to unsubscribe several subscriptions for multiple users and products. When i use method unsubscribe in the object browser, I can only do this one by one. When selecting more than one order, I get the error message "Request procedures: Write…

  • Find ADSAccounInAdsgroup or PersonInOrg where XOrigin = '1' and auto CreateOrder in IT Shop for this assignments

    Hello everyone, tell me, we have many assignments for users with Xorogin = 1, 
    both in the PersonInOrg table and in the ADSAccountInADSGroup table.
    Many of the ADSGroup and ORG have been hosted on the ITShop for a long time, but for many users they have…
  • Orderby quering the database with script

    Hi all,


    I need to get the reasonHead from Decisiontype Unsubscribe on a Request but if on that request are started more Unsubscribe I need to get the last one made.

    Basically I need the orderby on Connection.getSingleValue or Connection.getSingleRow.