• Session Expired error with new Angular Web Portal via Load Balancer

    Hello, we are experiencing some issues with the new Angular Web Portal. We are testing the load balancer configuration with sticky session based on the persistency of the cookie ss-pid. When we try to connect to the Web Portal (/ApiServer/html/qer-app…

  • HTML5 portal MsgBox from request property


    I have created a request property that checks if a user-entered group name (cn) is unique. If the entered value already exists, the user should get a dialog box explaining the error. I have the following code in the Validation script of the request…

  • Modifying a list of attributes for ADSAccount in web portal in OIM 9.1


    We have OIM 9.1 and are using the new angular based web portal. We wish to extend the list of attributes for ADSAccount that are shown in Data Explorer view in the web portal. We have extended the list of editable properties for ADSAccount (ie. ServerConfig…

  • How to call auto generated Composition API methods by HTML Client with/without search parameter


    it seems like compiling the Composition API and creating the HTML Client can be different based on the environment:

    1) local (dev) => Composition API methods created with HandleGetByQuery do not have a "search" parameter in the Client, hence you…