WebPortal filter for Department and SQL Injection on v8.1.4

hi there!

Recently we migrated from v8.0.2 to 8.1.4 and we started to see issues in WebPortal related to SQL Injection.

The component in which we have the SQL injection issue, have a filter to load Departments entries that belong to a specific "branch". For example:

- Department1

--- Departmet1.1

--- Department1.2

- Department2

--- Department2.1

--- Department2.2

Based on a previously selected Location, the form will show either Department1 branch or Department2 branch.

The object is a Person entry and we are using Vi_Edit_FK component to show the Department hierarchy and the function AdditionalWhereClause() to set the filter. 

  • The filter is this:  
    • Fullpath like " {0}\%" 
  • and {0} will be the previously selected location

Obviously, that statement will set a penalty for SQL injection algorithm

Then, I changed to:

  • format("SUBSTRING(fullpath,0,CHARINDEX('\',fullpath,0)) = '{0}'", select CompanyName from Edittable)

But still that whereClause is being penalized.

What other option do we have? 

  • Load all Departments entries into a collection and then set the filter in the collection itself?

Doing the filter on SQL it was a straight forward solution but after I tried several things I don't see how that could be possible.

any ideas?

Thanks in advanced.

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