• Password expired for Viadmin, no AD account linked and password can not be changed.

    Hi OneID comunity,

    I recently fired up my demo environment and the password was expired of the viadmin account when trying to setup a new password i got the following error: 
    "Password policy processing failed. An Active Directory user account is required…

  • Active Directory Provisionning

    Hello Everyone, 

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    I have a problem with the AD Provisionning (Target Synchronization).

    I don't know how to create a kind of CheckBox on "Create User Account" Form via Manager Application (also via Web Portal…

  • Error DPR_NeedExecuteWorkflow

    Hi, everyone. Recently we faced a problem. When we try to compile our database we have such errors "Error compiling script Precode of Chain ADS_Group_Delete(39,0): DPR_NeedExecuteWorkflow is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level…