[MUSIC PLAYING] In the previous video, we successfully set up the PAM Essential service via OneLogin. The purpose of this video is to familiarize the viewer with the PAM Essentials module.
First, let's take another quick look at the OneLogin roles that are used by PAM Essentials to achieve both role-based access and separation of duties. PAM Essentials leverages three OneLogin roles for this purpose-- administrators, auditors, and users.
Administrators configure and administer the PAM Essentials service. Auditors are read-only users who access audit logs and session recordings. And users are your privileged users who launch secure sessions into your corporate assets via PAM Essentials.
OK, let's jump into the PAM Essentials module now. In this example, I'm logging in to PAM Essentials as an administrator. First thing I'm presented with is a dashboard that lists all the recorded sessions that have taken place. Each line item represents one session recording, complete with details regarding the date and time, the protocol, the user, the asset, and the account used for each session.
Recorded sessions can be downloaded via the link to the right of each recording. And the Sessions Player Windows app can be downloaded and installed to play back recorded sessions. We'll cover the Session Player and the other configurations as they relate to OneLogin roles in the following videos.
Networks. This is where we'll download and install the PAM Essentials network agent and connect to your isolated network segments. Remember, no VPN is required.
Directories. This is where we connect to your Active Directory so we can autodiscover your assets and accounts on your domain. Infrastructure assets. This is where you'll configure and manage asset groups and individual assets. Think of asset groups as security containers for groups of assets that you want to give users access to.
Accounts. Accounts are organized much like assets and asset groups. These are logical groups of accounts used to access assets. And finally, access policies. Once you have your assets and accounts organized in PAM Essentials, you are ready to configure access policies. Access policies determine which assets and privileged accounts a OneLogin role can use. Thanks for watching.