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Declaring the HistoryDb

I have been looking into configuring an archiving solution for our Q1IM 6.0.2 implementation to aid in the rapidly expanding history information that is filling the database.  Currently our jobhistory table has surpassed 10 million rows and I believe it is affecting performance as we are seeing an uptick in the table reindexing associated with the vid_CommonDailyJobs.

The documentation for the historydb, particularly "Declaring the HistoryDB" does not seem right.


Declaring the Source Database in the History Database


Declare the Identity Manager database to be used for transferring data to the history database. Enter

the access data for the Identity Manager database in the HistoryDB Manager in <Base data>\<Source

databases> in the category <History>. This being:

The HistoryDB was installed on the same SQL server as the existing Q1IM database to ensure no issue with data transfer however the HistoryDB Manager tool in the software stack looks to be an Identical version of Manager with some small differences that indicate it is related to the HistoryDB tool.  There is no readily veiwable section for <Base data>\<Source  databases> in the category <History> in the HistoryDB Manager tool or in Designer where base data would naturally assume to be.  Has anyone seen this or is the spot for HistoryDB declaration moved/renamed in 6.0.2?

HistoryDB Manager.jpg